Roasted cocoa, cocoa nibs, cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, chocolate, chocolate couverture, toppings, dried fruit and spreads, Finished chocolate products with and without fillings.
COCOA TO COCOA LIQUOR: Cleaning, drying, roasting, husking, breaking, debacterialization, alkalization, crushing, pre-ground, refining, conching, melting tanks, packaging machines, up to fully automated plants.
COCOA BUTTER AND COCOA POWDER: Homogenization, pressing, filtering, pressed cake breaker, pulverizing, bag packaging, block packaging, storage tanks, pipes, pumps, tempering machines, tunnels and cooling towers, up to complete plants.
ADDITIONAL MACHINERY: Bucket elevators, screw conveyors, double-walled pipes, hoppers and pumps.
CHOCOLATE, COATINGS AND SPREADABLE CREAMS: Ball mills, Conches, melting and storage tanks, automatic and continuous tempering machines. Three-stage moulding lines, molding lines for solid products, book moulders, hollow figure moulders.
De-moulders, depositors on belts, cooling for molds, enrobing lines, cooling tunnels, in-line mixers, decorators, panning machinery, chocolate drop lines, dispensers, one-shot system and polycarbonate molds.
CANDIES, CHEWING GUM, GUMMIES AND ENERGY BARS: Cookers, kettles, candy moulders, candy depositors, formers, rope gauges, conveyor belts, lollipop forming machines, refrigeration, kneaders, mixers, packaging machines.
BISCUITS / WAFER: Wafer machines, machinery for soft and hard dough, mixers, spiral mixers, conveyor ovens, baking cone and puffed rice machines.
ICE CREAM: Freezers, kitchens, pasteurizers, homogenizers, turbines, soft ice machines, ice cream filling machines, ice cream cone machines, popsicle ice cream machines.
FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: Feeding, trimming, cutting, slicing, washing, treating, filtering, drying, dehydrating, peeling, brushing, blanching, refrigeration, infusion, classification, cleaning and packaging..
QUALITY CONTROL: Scales, ejectors, metal detectors, weight controller and laboratory equipment.
PRINTERS AND LABLES: InInkjet, thermal transfer, laser, hotmelt, label printer and labeling machines.
PACKERS: All types of packing and packaging machines: Packers for chocolate bars, Flow pack, sealing machines, plastic wrappers, carton machinery, strapping machines, bulck head, box motion, candy wrappers, double twist wrappers, single twist wrappers, packaging and Shrink Tunnels.
Con Cultura Mecánica miramos juntos todas las ventajas de la automatización para tu empresa y tus proyectos. Con nuestra experiencia de más de 35 años hemos aprendido el funcionamiento con los diferentes sistemas tecnológicos más adecuados para tu requerimiento, capacidad y productos.
Algunas ventajas como:
Mejoras e Incremento de la producción, funcionamiento eficiente, seguridad, cumplimiento con los nuevos estándares y normas, reducción de los costos de producción y tiempo, mejor competitividad, crecimiento más rápido, minimiza fallas y mejora el progreso del flujo de trabajo en su empresa.
- Study, Analysis, Management and Execution of your projects.
- Diagnosis and audit of your company. «An audit is more comprehensive and requires a greater degree of interaction from the client.»
- Consulting.
- Maintenance & Assistance and Technical Support.
- Training.
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